Friday, April 2, 2010

New York Hot Dog and Coffee!

I've been on such a beef and kimchi kick this week, someone buy this girl a pack of gum! >_<

The scenario is happening more and more. I ambitiously try to run from show to show, and find myself scrounging for food. Or dare I say...not eating? This was an all too familiar story in my SXSW experience. The difference between Austin and New York is that New York actually has some decent fast eats between venues. I made the unfortunate mistake of getting a "bulgogi sandwich with cheese" on 6th Street in Austin, which was essentially a grilled cheese sandwich with bulgogi somewhere in the middle. Needless to say, it was the one time I probably should have opted out of cheese...and withheld my urge to have Korean BBQ. :(

Yesterday, I romped around my old stomping grounds (the Village), seeing one Chris Thompson to another Christy Thompson, and remembered New York Hot Dog and Coffee! This has been a place I've been wanting to try ever since started advertising free bulgogi burgers in the summer to the first 100 people at lunch time. Unfortunately (fortunately?), this place is all the way over on Bleecker and 6th Ave - hence, too far from the Midtown Wasteland perimeters. The fusion of hot dog/hamburgers and Korean food just sounded downright appealing, and why this place didn't exist while we were at NYU is just a shame. A real shame!

Exhibit A: Kimchi and Bulgogi Hot Dog w/ a Side of Fries

Above, you are indeed looking at a hot dog covered with bulgogi and kimchi. I have to say, it was pretty tasty, but I actually found myself ditching the hot dog after half eating it and just attacking the bulgogi and kimchi instead. I think I felt a little meat overload? I much rather would have preferred just having bulgogi and kimchi on a hot dog bun. BUT, I am still curious to come back here and try the Bulgogi burger. Plus, the fries were light and crispy - almost like they were fried in light tempura batter or something. YUM.


Kendrick Lo said...

Dude, last summer a co-worker and I traveled over to NY Hot Dog & Coffee (from 35th st to Bleecker) so that we could get in on a free bulgogi burger with kimchi. It was SO DELICIOUS!!!! We even got hot dogs topped with bulgogi but by that point we were bulgogi'd out and nearly exploded. Well worth it, though, and have been back again - although they've never been as good as that first time. Damn!

A.Cab said...

Mannnn, gotta go back for the Bulgogi Burger with Kimchi. yummmmms. Yes, we definitely just ate less than 3 hours ago, whatever